Earn Japanese boat license with in-house exam
Want to have a Japanese boating license?
Good news for English speaking boaters in Japan!
No longer you won’t to take government exams both on the water and written exam!
Aoki School is a government authorized facility.
Government boating license
Yes, you can take our boat license classes in English language as well. You’ll have in-house written exams and on the water test. You don’t have to take Government exams any more.
Because Aoki school is a Japanese government approved boating license school.
You can join Aoki sailing club after taking an ASA certification course and with your Japanese boating license. Aoki offers rental sail boat service at Yokosuka, Tokyo and Osaka.
Enjoy unique Japanese water with Aoki!
Aoki sailing school here in Japanese language.
Aoki boating school here in Japanese language.
Learn to Sail classes
You can take ASA (American Sailing Association) sailing classes in Japan and earn the ASA certifications. Both on the water lessons and written exams are in English. We offer ASA basic classes, navigation classes and advanced classes at Tokyo, Yokosuka, Osaka, Aichi and Wakayama.
Aoki is known as an ASA affiliate school in Japan. All of us at Aoki Schools share a basic commitment, “to do everything possible to make your boating experiences safe, fun and affordable”.
Aoki school News
青木ヨットNews 青木ヨットスクール、世界スタンダードのASAヨット教育法
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