CON course ASA-105
Coastal navigation course
- Prerequisite : None.
- Lesson fee : Yen 40,000(tax not included)/ person
Annapolis book of Seamanship and a Nautical chart are purchased. Other course materials and ASA certification fee included. - Class location : Tokyo, Osaka, Aichi and Okinawa
- Application form
In this 2 day course you’ll learn how to safely navigate the Bay and Coast. Even with modern day electronics you need to have a basic understanding of plotting your course and updating your position. Familiarization of charts, compass, symbols, dead reckoning, plotting, line of position, set and drift, bearings and more take the mystery out of safely navigating . This 2 day course is held once a week. This 2 day course is for people interested in learning the fundamentals and skills necessary to navigate a small craft along the coast or on the Bay.
There are two main objectives for the course. One is to pass the ASA Coastal Navigation exam given after the course. The other is to get students familiar with the Okinawa Area sailing waters and landmarks.Included are: chart use and symbol recognition, instruments and equipment for piloting, use of plotting equipment, aids to navigation, use of the compass including measuring deviation and correction, plotting and dead reckoning,, lines of position, fixes including running fixes, tides and currents including us of tables, current sailing, danger bearings, useful publications, and problem solving.
Upon successful completion of this course students receive ASA certification for Coastal Navigation.
- Day 1
0930 : Meet at class room
Self introduction
Instruction and question
Chart symbols
Aids to navigation
Home work question and answer1200 : Lunch break
Chart plotting
Tide and correction with tide table
Current and current table
Current sailing
Ship’s position with DR, EP and Fixed position
Bearing fix and Running fix
Danger bearing1700 : Close class - Day 2
0930 : Meet at class room
Instruction and question
Chart plotting practice
Current sailing practice
Discussion with pre-test1200 : Lunch break
test CON written exam
Exam evaluation
Evaluation to the exam1700 : Close class