Category: electric
Zen 24 is nominated as a Sail best boat 2013
The Zen 24, electric powered model was nominated as a Sail best boat 2013.
You can check the Sail magazine impression here.
Zen24: Sail magazine, review
It is the day after the big boat show in Annapolis Maryland. Sail magazine had scheduled a Sail with us on the bay. We are here at the Chesapeake Bay and conditions were prefect. It had been raining and cold the last few days, so this was a taken as a gift from the Universe. The day was sunny, comfortably warm and moderate winds in the 11- 15 knot range. Light by the S.F. Bay standards, where the Zen24 has been sailing lately. No reef was needed today, this would give the Zen24 chance to show how she does under normal sailing conditions. The writer had already seen pictures her sailing under the pressure of San Francisco.
We got underway without issue and motored out of the marina and enjoyed the quiet view of some of the other show boats out doing maneuvers and the locals still at dock. Once out of the marina the ZenMotor was turned up a little, to show some speed and make some faster time out to open waters. Once cleared sails were raised and the ZenBoat leaped forward and quickly found a groove. It was as if she also had missed being on the water with the winds beneath her wings. Yeah, there is the groove exclaimed the writer!
After we had gotten things under way, the writer was invited to take the helm. We sailed back and both for a while the writer was impress with the nimbleness of the ZenBoat. She was quick to respond to command or wind. He noted that we kept up with a larger boat that we had come out of the marina with and was impressed with our speed.
After we had sail for a while we came across his partner on another boat. The plan was they were to film each other under sail. The other boat was a fast sloop about 26 ft. We mixed back, and along side of her, before slipping behind her to finish the photos. Then it was our turn, sails were trimmed for close reach and we leaned into the water and lifted in the wind. It was like growing wings as we pulled ahead.
Once done with our speed run it was asked what was the blue boat’s speed keeping up with us. We were told 7 Kts over land.
We turned and head back after a few pleasantries and jokes were exchanged. Everyone was pleased with the run.
The written once back in the marina under power put the ZenBoat through some drills, stopping, backing, turning, thrusting.
He was smiling with the pleasure of being impressed and a great afternoon sail. As the clouds darken with the change of weather settling on the day, we docked and prepared the ZenBoat for her trip back to Alameda.
Zen24 @ the Summer Sailstice…Alameda/Oakland
It was a grand and glorious summer day on Sat the 23. It was not the real summer solstice but it was the official celebration day for the summer sail event.
I had been contacted by Capt Mary of Afterguard academy to take a few passengers and join in the sailing event for the day.
I arrived at the marina a little early to setup the boat. I was surprised to find I had missed the boat. I felt like I was seeing my child, my boat after an absence. It did feel funny getting on it and standing with the boat moving so much because of it’s lightness, after just being on the stable ZenCat these days
The wind was perfect, we needed to reef for the Zen 24 but it was very comfortable after the sails were trimmed to the conditions. Unlike Sensei I was not trying to show how well the boat could handle stronger conditions. I just wanted a comfortable ride for my crew and me. When sailing you have a choice sometimes you can sail easy or rough.
Little by little we made our way out of the estuary. It was slow going. Not because I could not get speed but I was suppose to bring up the rear with the group and I keep needing to slow down in order not to pass the others. The Zen24 was faster than the other boats in the group.
Once out on the Bay we had a very nice sail, no tacking just a smooth ride. That part was fun. There were a lot of boats out and about over in the slot where the winds are more intense. We however were not going that far out because we were, suppose to be joining the parade. Therefore we headed back down the estuary after a bit. Another reason was we needed to make a pit stop at Jack London since the Zen Boat head is not legal to use here in the States as yet. This is one of the changeovers needed bringing a boat from Japan.
We made good time going back down the estuary since the wind was at our back. We stopped into Jack London for a quick bladder break, before heading down further to the summer Sailstice Headquarters at the Encinal Yacht Club.
There at the Yacht Club, we made passes in front of the judges stand to bring some attention to the Zen24.
Our next move was to head back to the Afterguard office. There we, mostly me put the boat away for the evening.
Afterward I headed back over to the Encinal YC. There with my Zen24 gear, I set about chatting with a few people and smouzzing in general about the Zen24
Announcements were made, awards issued, alcohol flowed, I left. It was a good day.
I expect this event to double in size next year. I hope to organize a Summer Sailstice event in Japan next year, under the sponsorship of AOKI Yacht club and corporation. We can get more involved with the international sailing community as well as raise more Japanese interest..
Zen 24 : More than just another Sail boat
Zen 24…
If you ask many people about Zen they will say it is living peaceful, it is about sitting meditation, monks in robes and the like. If you ask many people about sailing it will be, pretty much the same without the monks
part. Both are a fraction of the reality that is Zen practice and Sailing. Zen practice is about living harmoniously through not just peaceful moments but, turbulent, terrifying, boarder line moments as well. Accepting the flow of the good and bad times, blending, adapting and continuing to move forward, pausing when needed, maintaining one’s
center of balance. Calmness of mind and spirit, doing what needs to be done with as little effort as possible, the eye of the storm.
Sailing is like that also. The weather is not always peaceful, calm, tranquil. One can get caught in a sudden storm, fog, unexpected gust. Yet, must remain centered, calm, mindful of the moment, blend with the nature of the environment. One must not sail as if it is you and a boat against the wind and waves. Sail rather as an extension of nature, you, the wind and waves, being one with the boat and the environment. This can mean responding quickly with balanced speed, or reefing to a smaller sail, or heaving-to and pausing.
In the practice of Zen there is no duality between us and another, whether it is wind, water, bird, fish or fowl, we are part of everything. When sailing we must be an active part of everything to sail safely. In Zen it is the aim to live responsibility, in sailing we should sail safely and responsibly. There is not just the responsibility
for the safety of the passengers but to the environment.
Sailing is another extension of Zen practice. It is the Yang, the movement to the Yin of stillness/sitting meditation. The Monks of Shaolin, where Zen originated, used Kung Fu as the Yang to the Yin of Sitting meditation, for balance. This is the philosophy of the Zen 24 sail boat, balance in movement and stillness.
It is not just built to stand against the wind and water element or spirit, which is called Feng Shui in Chinese, but to harmonize with the Ocean, with the wind. Care was given to the design of the hydrodynamic advantage of the Zen 24 hull form, and it’s neutral helm even while heeling under strong or unexpected gusts. Yet it is comfortable to be still, have lunch, relax for the weekend alone or with the family..
The sailing responsible, respectfully philosophy carries over into the use of electric power to respect the environment, also to the safe handling of the boat under turbulent conditions. The Zen24 as a light
feeling displacement boat, settles into blending with the Ocean rather than fighting with the sea, under peaceful, light winds or yet adapts to challenging wind speed. The Zen 24 is more than just another sailboat is
an extension of the Zen Philosophy.
Come see the physical manifestation of the Zen philosophy in a boat form at the Strictly Sail show in Oakland April 12-15. Read more on the Zen24 design and handling at our Website:
Zen 24 and Eco-sail demo in Alameda CA
This year at the Islander 36 yacht club year-end event, the Eco friendly sail boat, Zen 24 made by Aoki Yachts of Osaka attended the year end sailing ceremonies at the Oakland Yacht Club in Alameda, Ca. The crew of Zen 24, flying the Eco Flag presented the boat to demo the virtues of non-pollution sailing with the use of an electric motor for those times when power is needed.
The Zen 24 when sailed at 5kts will regenerate a battery from it’s own prop’s rotation. With the use of an optional solar panel this pocket cruiser from Japan can be made to be self sustaining in it’s power needs without the use of fossil fuels, which pollute the air and water.
The boat of the future is here now within Eco-friendly principals of recycle, reuse, rethink.