Category: History
Zen 24 is nominated as a Sail best boat 2013
The Zen 24, electric powered model was nominated as a Sail best boat 2013.
You can check the Sail magazine impression here.
Ray Prendergast

My dear friend Ray, I’m sorry I replied you many times but the emails were returned. So I post here as you may have a chance to see. Please reply me.I’m so happy to have your email here! I often remembered that you invited me a dinner at home. I met Rob there.
I knew I made the circumnavigation because of You, Lynn, Charlie, Suzanne and other friends who helped me and encouraged me.
I feel very sorry to see your wife Lynn and Charlie, Suzanne are past away. I didn’t know that.
So you are now 88 years old and still flirting with learning to soar in a glider.
Yes I really would like you to send me the letters after share them with Rob.
May I visit you when I come to San Francisco next time? I went to Oakland and Alameda this April when I attended a boat show at Jack London Square.
Please take care of yourself.
French set sail to Japan
Our former US manager French has set sail from Alameda in the Bay area to Japan with his wife Chie-san in a 31 foot catamaran Zen. French’s first leg will be down south to Mexico. Enjoy his Facebook here.
Kimi is French’s successor as the US manager of Zenboats. Please feel free to contact with him at 669 777 8011.